Bryan Johnson

Originally aired in 2015 on Pensive podcast. At a small café in Nolita in the heart of New York, the entrepreneur and investor talks about his entrepreneurial journey and his goal of rewriting the operating systems of life.

Bryan Johnson made a decision at age 21 and never looked back. He told his family and friends that he would start a company and retire by age 30. In 2013, he sold his company Braintree, an online and mobile payments provider, to eBay for $800 million in cash. One year later, he dedicated $100 million of his own capital to invest in entrepreneurs working toward quantum-leap discoveries that promise to rewrite the operating systems of life. That marked the beginning of the OS Fund. Since then, Johnson has been meeting with and investing in visionary scientists and entrepreneurs working on some of humanity’s greatest opportunities and challenges. Johnson is also an adventurer. He has climbed some of the highest peaks in the world, raced in the African desert, explored an active volcano and built a snow cave in the Arctic. He is a pilot, the father of three and a children’s book author.

Link to episode.


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